A Police Officer, whose family was killed by a bandit named Gabbar Singh, decides to fight fire with fire and recruits two convicts, Jai & Veeru, to bring Gabbar Singh to jail alive, but will they succeed in their mission and get their reward? Come and watch the action-packed super-hit Sholay to find out!!
Genre: Action
Director: A.R. Balan, D.R. Thakkar, Khalish Lucknavi, Kishen Bishen, Ramesh Sippy, Sharad Palekar
Actors: A.K. Hangal, Amitabh Bachchan, Amjad Khan, Asrani, Dharmendra, Hema Malini, Jagdeep, Jaya Bachchan, Sanjeev Kumar, Satyendra Kapoor