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Amerika Season 1 Episode 1

A decade after its defeat, America is occupied by a United Nations peacekeeping force, the United Nations Special Service Unit (U.N.S.S.U.). The U.N.S.S.U. is composed primarily of Eastern Bloc forces, and is overseen in Milford by an East German, Major Helmut Gurtman (played by Reiner Schöne). U.N.S.S.U. troops periodically engage in “training exercises” which are destructive in nature and intimidating to the local population.

Those Americans who engage in dissent are stripped of their privileges and sent to exile camps, where they are anathema to the Soviets and their fellow citizens. Association with the exiles is prohibited, although a few brave souls risk their own remaining freedoms by offering humanitarian aid. Production quotas have been imposed, and foodstuffs rationed, with the surplus presumably being shipped to the Soviet Union.

Against this background, Bradford ascends to the leadership of Heartland, hoping to reform the Soviet occupation from within; Milford is released from the prison camp, hoping to be reunited with his children and fight against the occupation; and Denisov hopes to “salvage as much as possible” of the old America, while realizing that the U.S. essentially must cease to exist as a nation in order to appease the “old men in the Kremlin.”

Serie: Amerika

Episode Title: Prisoners in Their Own Land

Air Date: 1987-02-15