Laker Girls
Movie follows three aspiring candidates (Yothers, Vaughn, and Paul) for the L.A. Laker’s cheerleader squad. The three become friends and final their tribulations until one fails to make the cut.
Athlete Diana Nyad sets out at 60 to achieve a nearly impossible lifelong dream: to swim from Cuba to Florida across more than 100 miles of open ocean.
Putty Hill
Friends and family of Cory, a young man who has died of an overdose, gather at a Baltimore-area karaoke bar for his wake and compare stories about him. Gradually, as…
A brilliant young psychiatrist builds a machine in the hope of reconnecting with his dead wife but before he can overcome his grief, the machine uncovers something he never expected.
Licorice Pizza
The story of Alana Kane and Gary Valentine growing up, running around and going through the treacherous navigation of first love in the San Fernando Valley, 1973.
The Glass Room
Liesel Landauer and her friend Hana are linked by a lifelong relationship and an exceptional house built by the architect Von Abt for Liesel and her husband Viktor in Czechoslovakia…
Edge of Isolation
Stranded deep in the woods, a young married couple is taken in by an isolationist family, one that lives off the blood and plunder from lost hikers, and they want…
Tower of Screaming Virgins
King’s swordsman Captain Buridan, hero of the Flanders campaign, returns to Paris to find it in a grip of fear -a “vampire/witch” in the “Tower of Sin” is luring young…
The Kings of Summer
Joe Toy, on the verge of adolescence, finds himself increasingly frustrated by his single father, Frank’s attempts to manage his life. Declaring his freedom once and for all, he escapes…
Tyson’s Run
An unathletic boy with autism strives to become an unlikely marathon champion giving his unfulfilled father purpose and a second chance at putting his family first.