Legion of Super Heroes
The series centers on a young Superman’s adventures in the 31st century, fighting alongside a group of futuristic superheroes known as the Legion of Super-Heroes. The series drew on the…
Detainee 001
A deep dive into the mysteries that led a young American man name John Walker Lindh, who became known as the “American Taliban,” to the battlefield in Afghanistan fighting alongside…
For three years after being forced from office, Nixon remained silent. But in summer 1977, the steely, cunning former commander-in-chief agreed to sit for one all-inclusive interview to confront the…
The Brave Little Toaster to the Rescue
Those fun-loving eletrical appliances from the acclaimed animated hit ‘The Brave Little Toaster’ are back in an action-packed adventure with four all-new songs. This heartfelt and humorous full-length feature reunites…