Angry Boys
Angry Boys is an Australian television mockumentary series written by and starring Chris Lilley. Continuing the mockumentary style of his previous series, the show explores the issues faced by young…
This mockumentary series follows the peculiar lives of six eccentric — and sometimes obscene — misfits who march to their own beat.
Jonah from Tonga
Fourteen year old breakdancer and mischievous delinquent, Jonah Takalua, returns from Tonga to start a new life at Holy Cross High School. Dominating the playground with his gang Fobba-licious, amusing…
Ja’mie: Private School Girl
Ja’mie King, the self-promoting “queen bee” of Summer Heights High, returns from an exchange semester at that public school for her last three months at Hillford Girls Grammar, where she’s…
Summer Heights High
Exploring what happens over one school term in an average Australian high school, this mockumentary brings to life Jonah, a 13 year old mischievous schoolboy from Tonga with the odds…