The story revolves around 22-year-old Laure, who is trying to find her feet. After performing brilliantly in her literature studies, she enrols as a communications officer in the Naval Fusiliers….
Escort Boys
In Camargue, four guys in dire straits turn to escorting to save their childhood beekeeping estate. Coached by the group’s little sister who manages this unique ‘business’ in the region,…
A divorced teacher suddenly becomes jealous of everyone, including her daughter, friends and neighbors.
Cop Goes Missing
One morning, a worn-out field cop, nicknamed Ping-Pong by everyone, burns his police ID and disappears. During one night and one day, his colleagues look for him, meet him and…
A Paris Education
Etienne comes to Paris to study filmmaking at the Sorbonne. He meets Mathias and Jean-Noël who share his passion for films. But as they spend the year studying, they have…
Gold for Dogs
Esther, a young woman from the South of France moves to Paris at the end of the summer to look for her summer crush. She is in for an intense…
Sofiane, Victor and Luisa, three seemingly incompatible teenagers find themselves bound together by a supernatural force.