High Stakes Poker
High Stakes Poker is the premier cash game in the history of television. The world’s top amateur poker and professional poker players risk hundreds of thousands from their own pockets.
Follow the winding career and personal life of professional poker phenom Daniel Negreanu, who rose from humble roots to become the game’s top ace.
World Series of Poker
The World Series of Poker is a series of poker tournaments held annually in Las Vegas and, since 2004, sponsored by Caesars Entertainment Corporation. It dates its origins to 1970,…
Poker After Dark
Poker After Dark is an hour-long poker television program on NBC. The show made its debut on January 1, 2007, and was cancelled on September 23, 2011 following the “Black…
High Stakes Poker
High Stakes Poker is a cash game poker television program, which was broadcast by the cable television network GSN in the United States. The poker variant played on the show…
For Love or Money? A Poker Documentary
An inside look as two professional poker players, Chris Leong and Stanley Lee, attempt to win poker’s most coveted prize… a World Series of Poker bracelet. Appearances include players such…