Three teams of contestants go head-to-head in the daytime quiz show presented by Ranvir Singh. They answer questions to unlock a riddle set by the programme’s Riddlemaster – Henry Lewis.
The Goes Wrong Show
What’s the worst that could happen? A troupe of am dram actors take on some prestige productions. If you wouldn’t mind ignoring the pratfalls, crumbling sets and tortured thespians …
Peter Pan Goes Wrong
The Olivier Award-winning Mischief Theatre brings Peter Pan Goes Wrong to BBC One. As part of its commitment to community theatre, the BBC has commissioned The Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society,…
A Christmas Carol Goes Wrong
The Mischief Theatre Company return as the Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society who are this time determined to ignore a BBC blacklisting by hijacking a live production of Charles Dickens’ famous…