Once Upon a Time in Hong Kong
The story tells the story of a collusion between Hong Kong police and criminals in 1973, under the instigation of the British, they embezzled huge profits and poisoned the citizens….
The Adventurers
After the murder of his parents and sister at the hands of the villianous gun-running billionaire Ray Lui, crack fighter pilot Yan vows revenge.
Dr. Lamb
An abnormal taxi driver lusts for blood every rainy night, and several young women are killed as a result. The muderer, Laiu, likes to take photos of the victims dismembered…
Thank You Sir
Lee Ying, who is the chief inspector of Regional Crime Unit, is newly promoted to Royal Hong Kong Police Cadet School as Deputy Commandant. He confronts a group of youngsters…
Vampire’s Breakfast
Story about a newspaper reporter who stumbles upon a nest of vampires living in contemporary hong kong.
Law with Two Phases
Chief B (Danny Lee) is an unconventional CID member who relies more on instincts rather than by the book to resolve situations. He’s a down-to-earth fellow who’s a mamma’s boy,…