ARK: The Animated Series
In a mysterious primeval land populated by dinosaurs and other extinct creatures, people from throughout human history have been resurrected. When 21st century Australian paleontologist Helena Walker awakes there after…
The Windigo
A Native American teen resurrects an ancient demon to protect his family from meth dealers, but finds the creature’s bloodlust uncontrollable, forcing the family to break the curse before becoming…
Tiger Eyes
After Davey’s father is killed in a hold-up, she and her mother and younger brother visit relatives in New Mexico. Here Davey is befriended by a young man who helps…
Saints & Strangers
Saints & Strangers is a story that goes beyond the familiar historical account of Thanksgiving and the founding of Plymouth Plantation, revealing the trials and tribulations of the settlers at…
Montford: The Chickasaw Rancher
A Chickasaw man survives great hardships and tragedy to establish a vast ranching empire along the famous cattle highway of the American West.
Shangri-La Suite
Karen and Jack met in a mental hospital and fell in love. They set out to follow what Jack thinks is his destiny: killing Elvis Presley.
Once Upon a River
After her father’s violent death, Native American teenager Margo Crane flees down Michigan’s Stark River in search of her estranged mother. On the way, she encounters allies, enemies, danger, and…