Water Birds
Water Birds is a 1952 short documentary film directed by Ben Sharpsteen. The film delves into the still waters of lagoons and marshes to the wild blue wilderness of the vast oceans, to experience the beauty and variety of their majestic birds, each perfectly designed for its habitat. It won the Oscar for Best Short Subject, Two-Reel.
1 Billion Orgasms
A middle-aged engineer decides to prove his worth by inventing a device he dreams will make him responsible for one billion orgasms.
The weightlessness of youth: every breath radiates opportunity and hope; every sense thrives on the wealth of the present; every thing whispers of brilliance and awe. When you’ve seen the…
The Obama Years: The Power of Words
Barack Obama launched into our national consciousness at the 2004 Democratic National Convention and ever since, he’s delivered messages of patriotism, unity, and hope through the power of words. But…
El Mar La Mar
An immersive and enthralling journey through the Sonoran Desert on the U.S.-Mexico border, El Mar La Mar weaves together harrowing oral histories from the area with hand-processed 16mm images of…
My Year of Living Mindfully
Shannon Harvey was working in her dream job as a radio news journalist when, at the age of 24 she was diagnosed with a devastating auto-immune disease. Determined to find…
Jose Feliciano: Behind This Guitar
The official documentary on the life and continuing career of singer-songwriter and guitarist Jose Feliciano – the world’s greatest living guitarist, first-ever Latin crossover artist and pioneer in the mixing…
My Massive Cock
An extra-large penis is an object of desire for many. But for some men, extra-large seriously complicates their lives and relationships, and penis reduction surgery seems the only answer.
The Sleepless Unrest: The Real Conjuring Home
The world-famous house that inspired the Conjuring film has recently been sold and is now open to paranormal investigations. With special access, a small group of filmmakers and paranormal investigators…
Red Obsession
France’s Bordeaux region has long commanded respect for its coveted wine, but shifts in the global marketplace mean that a new, voracious consumer base in China is buying up this…
Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood
A deliciously scandalous portrait of unsung Hollywood legend Scotty Bowers, whose bestselling memoir chronicled his decades spent as sexual procurer to the stars.
Return to Earth
A cinematic mountain-bike film. Featuring some of the sports biggest athletes. The ninth feature from award-winning adventure filmmakers Anthill Films. Return to Earth proves that when we lose track of…
Untold: Crimes & Penalties
They were the bad boys of hockey — a team bought by a man with mob ties, run by his 17-year-old son, and with a rep for being as violent…